
时间:2012-12-19 12:03:36

标签: asp.net iis-7.5

我有一个asp.net应用程序,它使用Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.ApplicationClass将上传的ms doc转换为pdf。它在我的本地机器上工作正常,但它不能在已部署的IIS服务器上运行。有任何获取输出需要可执行权限。

错误是:  由于以下错误,检索CLSID为{000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}的组件的COM类工厂失败:80070005。


public class Word2Pdf
    private Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.ApplicationClass MSWordDoc;
    object UnknownType = Type.Missing;
    public string Word2PdfCOnversion(object InputLocation, object OutputLocation)
        string result;
            //if (MSWordDoc == null) 
            MSWordDoc = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.ApplicationClass();
            MSWordDoc.Visible = false;
            MSWordDoc.Documents.Open(ref InputLocation,    //Input File Name Location
                ref UnknownType,    // Conversion Conformation
                ref UnknownType,    // Set ReadOnly Property
                ref UnknownType,    // Add to the Recent Files
                ref UnknownType,    // Document Password Setting
                ref UnknownType,    // Password Templete
                ref UnknownType,    // Revert
                ref UnknownType,    // Write Password to Document
                ref UnknownType,    // Write Password Template
                ref UnknownType,    // File Format
                ref UnknownType,    // Encoding File
                ref UnknownType,    // Visibility
                ref UnknownType,    // To Open or Repair
                ref UnknownType,    // Document Direction
                ref UnknownType,    // Encoding Dialog
                ref UnknownType);   // XML Text Transform
            MSWordDoc.Application.Visible = false;  // To Invisible the Word Document
            MSWordDoc.WindowState = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdWindowState.wdWindowStateMinimize;    // Minimize the Opened Word File.
            object SavePDFFormat = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdSaveFormat.wdFormatPDF;
            MSWordDoc.ActiveDocument.SaveAs(ref OutputLocation, //Output File Location
            ref SavePDFFormat,    // File Format
            ref UnknownType,    // Comment to PDF File
            ref UnknownType,    // Password
            ref UnknownType,    // Add to Recent File
            ref UnknownType,    // Write Password
            ref UnknownType,    // ReadOnly Propert
            ref UnknownType,    // Original Font Embeding
            ref UnknownType,    // Save Picture
            ref UnknownType,    // Saving Form Datas
            ref UnknownType,    // Save as AOVE Letter
            ref UnknownType,    // Encoding
            ref UnknownType,    // Inserting Line Breakes
            ref UnknownType,    // Allow Substitution
            ref UnknownType,    // Line Ending
            ref UnknownType);   // Add BiDi Marks
            result = "Success";
        catch (Exception)
            result = "Error";
            if (MSWordDoc == null) { }
            else { MSWordDoc.Documents.Close(ref UnknownType, ref UnknownType, ref UnknownType); }
            MSWordDoc.Quit(ref UnknownType, ref UnknownType, ref UnknownType);
        return result;

1 个答案:

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在“组件服务\计算机\我的计算机\ DCOM配置”下,找到所需单词组件的CLSID。 (有帮助的是,我看到有些机器将它们列为guids,即{000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046},其他机器通过名称列出办公室组件。

您需要右键单击CLSID并选择属性,更改“启动和激活权限”,“访问权限”和“身份”设置,以允许网站应用程序池帐户具有自动化Word的权利。< / p>

顺便提一下,您可能需要比您提到的更多的CLSID。当我使用word将doc和/或html转换为PDF的项目时,我们不得不添加Word的CLSID和几种Word Picture类型。

