
时间:2012-11-07 09:30:40

标签: android facebook facebook-android-sdk


  1. 在一部Android手机上,我正在使用Facebook授权我的应用程序,并将访问令牌存储在共享首选项中。
  2. 将此访问令牌发送到第二个Android设备(某些不同的应用程序具有相同的appKey for Facebook。
  3. 现在我无法在第二台设备上使用此访问令牌创建会话。第二个设备没有UI,因此我无法使用web / FB本机应用程序进行授权。
  4. 问题:我的问题是如何使用此传递的访问令牌创建访问API的facebook会话。如果有人可以指出一个例子,那将会更有帮助。

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

截至Android sdk for Android 3.0 final,api已经改变,@ rightparen提出的答案将无效。在新API中,关键是使用 Session.openActiveSessionWithAccessToken() 静态方法。此方法专为从fb sdk 2.x迁移到3.x而设计。


public static void migrateFbTokenToSession() {
    Facebook facebook = Utils.getFacebookObject();
    AccessToken accessToken = AccessToken.createFromExistingAccessToken(facebook.getAccessToken(), new Date(facebook.getAccessExpires()),
            new Date(facebook.getLastAccessUpdate()), AccessTokenSource.FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_NATIVE, Arrays.asList(Constants.FB_APP_PERMISSIONS));
    Session.openActiveSessionWithAccessToken(ICheezApplication.getContext(), accessToken , new Session.StatusCallback() {

        public void call(Session session, SessionState state, Exception exception) {
            sLogger.debug("fbshare Migration to newer icheez state has been successful");
            if(session != null && session.isOpened()) {


答案 1 :(得分:1)


private final void migrateToken(String accessToken, long expiresMilliseconds,
                                List<String> permissions, boolean isSSO,
                                long lastRefreshMilliseconds) {
    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
    TokenCache.putToken(bundle, accessToken);
    TokenCache.putExpirationMilliseconds(bundle, expiresMilliseconds);
    TokenCache.putPermissions(bundle, permissions);
    TokenCache.putLastRefreshMilliseconds(bundle, lastRefreshMilliseconds);
    TokenCache.putIsSSO(bundle, isSSO);

    SharedPreferencesTokenCache cache = new SharedPreferencesTokenCache(this);


isSSO参数指定您是使用Facebook登录/ SSO与Facebook应用程序(true)或登录WebView(false)获取令牌。通过Facebook登录获得的代币可以扩展,这个布尔值控制SDK是否应该自动尝试扩展代币。


    Session session = Session.openActiveSession(this);
    if ((session == null) && hasOldTokenState()) {
        session = Session.openActiveSession(this);
    // if session is still null, user will have to log in...

答案 2 :(得分:0)


private SessionListener mSessionListener = new SessionListener();

Utility.mFacebook = new Facebook(APP_ID);
Utility.mAsyncRunner = new AsyncFacebookRunner(Utility.mFacebook);
SessionStore.restore(Utility.mFacebook, getApplicationContext());



public class SessionEvents {

private static LinkedList<AuthListener> mAuthListeners = new LinkedList<AuthListener>();
private static LinkedList<LogoutListener> mLogoutListeners = new LinkedList<LogoutListener>();

 * Associate the given listener with this Facebook object. The listener's
 * callback interface will be invoked when authentication events occur.
 * @param listener
 *            The callback object for notifying the application when auth
 *            events happen.
public static void addAuthListener(AuthListener listener) {

 * Remove the given listener from the list of those that will be notified
 * when authentication events occur.
 * @param listener
 *            The callback object for notifying the application when auth
 *            events happen.
public static void removeAuthListener(AuthListener listener) {

 * Associate the given listener with this Facebook object. The listener's
 * callback interface will be invoked when logout occurs.
 * @param listener
 *            The callback object for notifying the application when log out
 *            starts and finishes.
public static void addLogoutListener(LogoutListener listener) {

 * Remove the given listener from the list of those that will be notified
 * when logout occurs.
 * @param listener
 *            The callback object for notifying the application when log out
 *            starts and finishes.
public static void removeLogoutListener(LogoutListener listener) {

public static void onLoginSuccess() {
    for (AuthListener listener : mAuthListeners) {

public static void onLoginError(String error) {
    for (AuthListener listener : mAuthListeners) {

public static void onLogoutBegin() {
    for (LogoutListener l : mLogoutListeners) {

public static void onLogoutFinish() {
    for (LogoutListener l : mLogoutListeners) {

 * Callback interface for authorization events.
public static interface AuthListener {

     * Called when a auth flow completes successfully and a valid OAuth
     * Token was received. Executed by the thread that initiated the
     * authentication. API requests can now be made.
    public void onAuthSucceed();

     * Called when a login completes unsuccessfully with an error.
     * Executed by the thread that initiated the authentication.
    public void onAuthFail(String error);

 * Callback interface for logout events.
public static interface LogoutListener {
     * Called when logout begins, before session is invalidated. Last chance
     * to make an API call. Executed by the thread that initiated the
     * logout.
    public void onLogoutBegin();

     * Called when the session information has been cleared. UI should be
     * updated to reflect logged-out state.
     * Executed by the thread that initiated the logout.
    public void onLogoutFinish();

