
时间:2012-07-15 06:05:24

标签: f# river-crossing-puzzle

首先,我很抱歉问this question。但是“逃离Zurg”文章给了我很多帮助,我可以为Wolf Goat Cabbage问题编写自己的解决方案。我在下面提出我的代码。我要你告诉我

  1. 如果我的代码是以F#和函数式编程的真正精神编写的,那么
  2. 这是解决问题的最佳方案

    open System
      The type direction determines which direction the human is present.
      Left means that Human is present on the left side of the bank.
      Right means human is present on the right side of the bank.
    type Direction =
      | Left
      | Right
      Master list of animals
    let Animals = ["Wolf"; "Goat"; "Cabbage"]
    let DeadlyCombinations = [["Wolf"; "Goat"];["Goat"; "Cabbage"];]
    let isMoveDeadly list1 list2 =
      List.exists (fun n -> n = list1) list2
    let rec MoveRight animals =
      match animals with
        | [] -> []
        | head::tail -> 
          if (isMoveDeadly tail DeadlyCombinations) then
            MoveRight tail @ [head]
            Console.WriteLine("Going to move " + head)
    let ListDiff list1 list2 = List.filter (fun n -> List.forall (fun x -> x <> n) list1) list2
    let MoveLeft animals = 
      let RightList = ListDiff animals Animals 
      let ShouldTakeAnimal = isMoveDeadly RightList DeadlyCombinations
      if (ShouldTakeAnimal) then
        let x = List.head RightList
        Console.WriteLine("Going to move " + x + " back")
        Console.WriteLine("Farmer goes back alone")
    let rec Solve direction animals =
        match animals with 
        | [] -> Console.WriteLine("Solved")
        | _ ->
            match direction with
            | Left -> Solve Right (MoveRight animals) 
            | Right -> Solve Left (animals @ (MoveLeft animals))
    let main args =
        Solve Left Animals

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)

代码看起来非常实用。我做了一些改变。首先,我使用 sets 来表示移动,还有一些小的建议......

表示。您使用列表表示致命组合,因此["Goat"; "Wolf"]["Wolf"; "Goat"]不同,如果您的算法按其他顺序生成移动,它不会将其视为致命的举动。您应该尝试找到不会发生这种情况的表示,因此我将更改表示形式以使用集合:

let DeadlyCombinations = [set ["Wolf"; "Goat"]; set ["Goat"; "Cabbage"];] 


let move = set list1


let isMoveDeadly list = 
  let move = set list
  DeadlyCombinations |> List.exists (fun n -> n = move) 

效率提示。MoveRight函数中,您使用的list @ [element]模式非常低效。这意味着您需要复制整个list以将元素追加到末尾。使用element::list(较少复制)将元素添加到前端更有效,然后反转列表。如果你把致命的动作表示为一组,我想你甚至不需要反转列表,所以我写道:

let rec MoveRight animals = 
  match animals with 
    | [] -> [] 
    | head::tail ->  
      if (isMoveDeadly tail) then 
        head :: (MoveRight tail)
        Console.WriteLine("Going to move " + head) 
