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<option value="option_3">Option 3</option>
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Male_data <-
mean = c(NA, 1.0, 1.8, 2.2, 1.7),
lower = c(NA,1.0, 1.7, 1.8, 1.5),
upper = c(NA, 1.0, 2.0, 2.6, 1.8)),
.Names = c("mean", "lower", "upper"),
row.names = c(NA, -5L),
class = "data.frame")
tabletext2 <- cbind(
c("Sub-group tested", "Variable 1", "Variable 2", "Variable 3", "Variable 4"),
c("HR[95%CI]", "1.0[1.0 - 1.0]", "1.8[1.7 -2.0]", "2.2[1.8 - 2.6]", "1.7[1.5 - 1.8]"),
c("No. of participants", "209,750", "14,027", "1,468", "12,559"),
c("Competing risk HR", "1.0", "2.0", "2.6", "1.9"))
forestplot(tabletext2, Male_data, hrzl_lines = list("2" = gpar(lty = 2)), new_page = TRUE, is.summary = FALSE, vertices = TRUE, xlab = "Hazard ratio", graph.pos = 4, graphwidth = unit(5, "cm"), boxsize = 0.10, xlog = TRUE,
txt_gp=fpTxtGp(xlab = gpar(cex = 0.5, fontface = "bold", just = "center"), label = gpar(columns = 3, just = "center")))
Female_data <-
mean = c(NA, 1.0, 2.2, 4.1, 1.9),
lower = c(NA,1.0, 1.9, 3.1, 1.6),
upper = c(NA, 1.0, 2.5, 5.5, 3.1)),
.Names = c("mean", "lower", "upper"),
row.names = c(NA, -5L),
class = "data.frame")
tabletext3 <- cbind(
c("Sub-group tested", "Variable 1", "Variable 2", "Variable 3", "Variable 4"),
c("HR[95%CI]", "1.0[1.0 - 1.0]", "2.2[1.9 -2.5]", "4.1[3.1 - 5.5]", "1.9[1.6 - 3.1]"),
c("No. of participants", "260,760", "8,260", "1,096", "7,164"),
c("Competing risk HR", "1.0", "3.2", "4.9", "2.8"))
forestplot(tabletext3, Female_data, hrzl_lines = list("2" = gpar(lty = 2)), new_page = TRUE, is.summary = FALSE, vertices = TRUE, xlab = "Hazard ratio", graph.pos = 4, graphwidth = unit(5, "cm"), boxsize = 0.10, xlog = TRUE,
txt_gp=fpTxtGp(xlab = gpar(cex = 0.5, fontface = "bold", just = "center"), label = gpar(columns = 3, just = "center")))
grid.Call.graphics(C_unsetviewport,as.integer(n))中的错误:无法弹出顶级视口(“ grid”和“ graphics”输出混合?) 2。 grid.Call.graphics(C_unsetviewport,as.integer(n)) 1。 popViewport()