
时间:2019-05-20 17:30:13

标签: javascript



var startButton = document.getElementById("start");
var startSound = document.getElementById("audio"); 
var timerSound = document.getElementById("timer");
var counter = document.getElementById("counter");
var middlebuttons = document.getElementsByClassName("middlebuttons");
var pauseButton = document.getElementById("pause");
var playButton = document.getElementById('play');

function pauseTimer(){
    alert("Pause button");

function playTimer(){
    alert("Play button");

function countDown(minutes){
    var seconds = 60;
    var mins = minutes;
    function tick(){

        var current_minutes = mins - 1;

        seconds --;
        counter.innerHTML = current_minutes.toString() + ":" + (seconds < 10 ? "0" : "") + String(seconds);
        if(seconds > 0){
            setTimeout(tick, 10);
        } else {
            if(mins > 1){
                countDown(mins - 1);
            else if (mins && seconds === 0 ){


pauseButton.addEventListener('click', pauseTimer, playAudio );
playButton.addEventListener('click', playTimer, playAudio );

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



此演示中没有“停止”按钮。如果您想在计时器运行时重置计时器,只需刷新页面即可。 (并且它不包含任何播放声音的功能,但是您可以在代码中的适当位置添加这些功能。)

// Defines identifiers for accessing HTML elements
const minutesInput = document.getElementById("minutesInput"),
      startButton = document.getElementById("startButton"),
      pauseButton = document.getElementById("pauseButton"),
      unpauseButton = document.getElementById("unpauseButton"),
      counterDiv = document.getElementById("counterDisplay");

// Adds listeners and declares global variables
startButton.addEventListener('click', start);
pauseButton.addEventListener('click', pauseTimer);
unpauseButton.addEventListener('click', runTimer);
let totalSeconds; // global variable to count down total seconds
let timer; // global variable for setInterval and clearInterval 

//Disables buttons that are not needed yet

// Defines functions that get the minutes and seconds for display
function getMinutes(totalSeconds){
  return Math.floor(totalSeconds / 60); // Gets quotient rounded down 

function getSeconds(totalSeconds){
 let seconds = totalSeconds % 60; // Gets remainder after division
 return (seconds < 10 ? "0" + seconds : seconds) // Inserts "0" if needed

// Defines functions that manipulate the countdown
function start(){
  totalSeconds = minutesInput.value * 60; // Sets initial value of totalSeconds based on user input
  counterDiv.innerHTML = getMinutes(totalSeconds) + ":" + getSeconds(totalSeconds); // Initializes display
  disable(minutesInput); disable(startButton); // Toggles buttons

function runTimer(){
  // Is the main timer function, calls `tick` every 1000 milliseconds
  timer = setInterval(tick, 1000);
  disable(unpauseButton); enable(pauseButton); // Toggles buttons

function tick(){
  if(totalSeconds > 0){
    totalSeconds--; // Decreases total seconds by one
    counterDiv.innerHTML = getMinutes(totalSeconds) + ":" + getSeconds(totalSeconds); // Updates display
    // The timer has reached zero. Let the user start again. 
    enable(minutesInput); enable(startButton);
    disable(pauseButton); disable(unpauseButton);

function pauseTimer(){
  // Stops calling `tick` and toggles buttons
  disable(pauseButton); enable(unpauseButton);

// Defines functions to disable and re-enable HTML elements
function disable(element){ element.setAttribute("disabled",""); }
function enable(element){ element.removeAttribute("disabled"); }
counter{ height: 1em; width: 2em; margin: 0.4em; border: 1px solid grey }
  How many minutes?:
  <input type="number" id="minutesInput" value="1" />
<br />

<button id="startButton">Start</button>
<button id="pauseButton">Pause</button>
<button id="unpauseButton">Continue</button>
<div id="counterDisplay"></div>