我正在使用OOP制作自上而下的游戏。我发布了pygame.USEREVENT + x,其中x是一些数字,用于通过按钮集移动程序(即播放和退出按钮到诸如easy和hard之类的难度按钮上)。但是,程序不会返回菜单或不重试该级别。我将如何修改程序以解决此问题?
class GameState(enum.Enum): #A class for all of the game states the menu/game can be in
MENU_PLAYQUIT = 1 #Each of the following is defining a unique value for the state of the game/menu to each of the enumerations
GAME_OVER = 5 #^
class ButtonEvent(enum.IntEnum): # IntEnum so we can convert back to an int for event posting
QUIT = pygame.USEREVENT + 1 #Each of the following is defining a unique value for event codes to which the buttons will send back for each of the enumerations
PLAY = pygame.USEREVENT + 2 #^
EASY = pygame.USEREVENT + 3 #^
MEDIUM = pygame.USEREVENT + 4 #^
HARD = pygame.USEREVENT + 5 #^
VETERAN = pygame.USEREVENT + 6 #^
LEVEL1 = pygame.USEREVENT + 7 #^
LEVEL2 = pygame.USEREVENT + 8 #^
LEVEL3 = pygame.USEREVENT + 9 #^
LEVEL4 = pygame.USEREVENT + 10 #^
CALLMENU = pygame.USEREVENT + 11 #^
RETRY = pygame.USEREVENT + 12 #^
class Button: #This class contains methods for buttons including display and functionality
def __init__(self, buttonname, event_code, buttonx, buttony, buttonwidth, buttonheight, textfile, textx, texty): #Constructor method used to allow classes to intialise attributes
self.event_code = event_code #The event code to enable game/menu state changes
def checkClick(self, mouse_position): #Method which checks if the button has ben pressed within the rectangle's area
result = False #Assumes the mouse click is not within the given dimensions unless proven otherwise. If the result is false in the end then the program and UI remain unaffected
if self.rect.collidepoint(mouse_position): #If the mouse-click is inside our rectangle, post a message to the queue
pygame.event.post(pygame.event.Event(int(self.event_code), {"button_name" : self.buttonname})) #Posts the enumerated value depending on which game state it is in along with the button name
result = True #Result is true therfore action can be taken within the program to progress state
return result #Returns result so its value is known outside this method
elif game_state == GameState.GAME_OVER: #If the game has been finished
elif event.type in [ButtonEvent.CALLMENU, ButtonEvent.RETRY]:
if event.type == ButtonEvent.CALLMENU:
import menu
if event.type == ButtonEvent.RETRY:
game_state = GameState.GAME_PLAYING