How to solve this Error in Linq : Operator &#39;!=&#39; cannot be applied to operands of type &#39;int&#39; and &#39;System.Linq.IQueryable<int>&#39;

时间:2018-08-22 13:44:29

标签: linq sql-server-2012 entity-framework-4

var ll = from a in db.EmployeeMasters
         where a.EmployeeID != (from d in db.EmployeeMasters
                                join c in db.PerformanceDetails on d.EmployeeID equals c.EmployeeID
                                join z in db.ProjectMasters on c.ProjectID equals z.ProjectID
                                into ss
                                from z in ss.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                where z.ProjectName == name || z.ProjectName == name1
                                select d.EmployeeID)
         select a.EmployeeName;

It returns an error messages like below

Operator '!=' cannot be applied to operands of type 'int' and 'System.Linq.IQueryable'

I want to add this Linq query in http post method to view output in postman Anyone Please help me to solve this

Actual question is select employees who are not part of 2 projects like (CRM, Automation)

Part of both project employees are in another project but some of the employees not in any projects

My Entity Framework Data Model is shown here:

enter image description here

name and name1 are given parameters for project names

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


var ll = from a in db.EmployeeMasters
         where !a.PerformanceDetails
                 .Any(pd => pd.ProjectMaster.ProjectName == name 
                         || pd.ProjectMaster.ProjectName == name1)
         select a.EmployeeName;


答案 1 :(得分:1)



var ll = from a in db.EmployeeMasters
         where !(from d in db.EmployeeMasters
                join c in db.PerformanceDetails on d.EmployeeID equals c.EmployeeID
                join z in db.ProjectMasters on c.ProjectID equals z.ProjectID
                into ss
                from z in ss.DefaultIfEmpty()
                where z.ProjectName == name || z.ProjectName == name1
                select d.EmployeeID).Contains(a.EmployeeID)
         select a.EmployeeName;


答案 2 :(得分:0)

 int[] EmployeeIDs = (from em in db.EmployeeMasters
                             join pd in db.PerformanceDetails on em.EmployeeID equals pd.EmployeeID into pdRes
                             from pdResult in pdRes.DefaultIfEmpty()
                             join pm in db.ProjectMasters on pdResult.ProjectID equals pm.ProjectID into pmRes
                             from pmResult in pmRes.DefaultIfEmpty()
                             where (pmResult.ProjectName == "Automation" || pmResult.ProjectName == "CRM Customer")
                             select em.EmployeeID

        var empResult = (from em in db.EmployeeMasters
                         where !EmployeeIDs.Contains(em.EmployeeID)
                         select new
                             EmployeeName = em.EmployeeName