
时间:2015-03-12 12:33:09

标签: c++ opencv video camera object-detection


我使用Visual Studio 2010在C ++中使用OpenCV



- 暂停视频文件

- 对每个图像帧(轴承)应用失真校正


- 将Haar类型级联应用于裁剪图像以检测对象

- 在检测周围绘制一个边界框

- 显示图像

- 计算对象检测的角度并打印到终端

- 它还可以像雷达一样绘制图像,并在每个帧中显示相对于每个检测的相机的角度,我们的想法是将其作为单个源,在单个源上映射出每个摄像机的检测结果周边地区。




干杯, 戴夫

int main(){

//**Distortion Correction**//

std::cout<< endl << "Reading:" << endl;
//stores a file
FileStorage fs;
//reads and stores the xml file with the camera calibration
fs.open("cal2.xml", FileStorage::READ);

if (fs.isOpened()) 
    cout<<"File is opened\n";


//Mat objects to store the camera matrix and distortion coefficients
Mat CamMat, DistCoeff;

FileNode n = fs.root();

//takes the parameters from the xml file and stores them in the Mat objects
fs["Camera_Matrix"] >> CamMat;
fs["Distortion_Coefficients"] >> DistCoeff;

//**Video Display**//

//Mat objects to store the images
Mat Original, Vid1, Vid1Crop;

//Cropping Image to exclude time/camera stamps to improve detections
Rect roi(0, 35, 704, 490);

//for reading video or webcam
VideoCapture cap;
//for opening video file, give the location and name of the file seperating folders with "\\" instead of with a single "\"
cap.open("C:\\Users\\Desktop\\Run_01_005 two containers\\Video\\ch04_20140219124355.mp4");

//Windows for the images
namedWindow("New", CV_WINDOW_NORMAL);
namedWindow("Display", CV_WINDOW_NORMAL);

//**Detection Setup**//

// Cascade Classifier object
CascadeClassifier boat_cascade;

//loads the xml file for the classifier, put the address and name of the xml file in the brackets
boat_cascade.load( "boatcascadeAttp3.xml" );

//**Single Source Display Image**////
Mat Output; 

//loop to continually capture/update images
    while (1){

    Output = Display();


        //applies the distortion correction to input image and outputs to New image
        undistort(Original, Vid1, CamMat, DistCoeff, noArray());

        //Image excluding the time/camera stamps in video which caused a lot of false positives
        Vid1Crop = Vid1(roi);
        //Set.NewCrop(New, roi);

        // Detect boats
        std::vector<Rect> boats;
        //Parameters may need some further adjustment, currently seems to work well
        //Detection performed on Region of Interest that excludes the time stamp which caused a number of False Positives
        boat_cascade.detectMultiScale( Vid1Crop, boats, 1.1, 15, 0|CV_HAAR_SCALE_IMAGE, Size(25, 25), Size(75,75) );

        // Draw circles on the detected boats
        for( int i = 0; i < boats.size(); i++ )

            //Draws a box around the detected object
            rectangle( Vid1Crop, Point(boats[i].x, boats[i].y), Point(boats[i].x+boats[i].width, boats[i].y+boats[i].height), Scalar( 0, 255, 0), 2, 8);

            //finds the position of the detection along the X axis
            int centreX = boats[i].x + boats[i].width*0.5;
            int fromCent = Vid1Crop.cols - centreX;

            float angle;

            //calls Angle function
            angle = Angle(centreX, fromCent, Vid1Crop);

            //calls DisplayPoints function
            Point XYpoints = DisplayPoints(angle);

            //prints out the result, angle for cam ranges
            cout << angle;
            cout << " degrees" << endl;
            //Draws red circles on the single source display corresponding to the detections
            circle( Output, XYpoints, 5.0, Scalar( 0, 0, 255 ), 4, 8 );

        //shows the New output image after correction
        imshow("New", Vid1);
        imshow("Display", Output);

        //delay for 1ms between frames  -  Note 25 fps in video


return (0);


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