
时间:2013-07-05 15:27:32

标签: r machine-learning artificial-intelligence neural-network model.matrix

我最近在使用requires numeric/complex matrix/vector arguments库时询问了有关错误neuralnet的以下问题。这是我原来的问题:“Working with neuralnet in R for the first time: get "requires numeric/complex matrix/vector arguments" but don't know how to correct”。


matrix.train <- model.matrix( 
  ~ survived + pclass + sex + age + sibsp + parch + fare + embarked, 
  data = train






#Build a matrix from training data (714 rows vs 891 rows due to NAs in data) 
matrix.train <- model.matrix(
  ~ survived + pclass + sex + age + sibsp + parch + fare + embarked, 


#Train the neural net
net <- neuralnet(
  survived ~ pclass + sexmale + age + sibsp + parch + fare + embarkedC + 
  embarkedQ + embarkedS, data=matrix.train, hidden=10, threshold=0.01

#Build a matrix from test data (331 rows vs 418 rows due to NAs in data)
matrix.test <- model.matrix(~ pclass + sex + age + sibsp + parch + fare + embarked, 

#Apply neural net to test matrix 
net.results <- compute(
  net, matrix.test

#Attempt to map results back to original test data
cleanoutput <- cbind(

Error in data.frame(..., check.names = FALSE) : 
  arguments imply differing number of rows: 331, 418


matrix.train <- matrix.train[match(rownames(train),rownames(matrix.train)),]

> matrix.train
    (Intercept) survived pclass sexmale   age sibsp parch     fare embarkedC embarkedQ embarkedS
1             1        0      3       1 22.00     1     0   7.2500         0         0         1
2             1        1      1       0 38.00     1     0  71.2833         1         0         0
3             1        1      3       0 26.00     0     0   7.9250         0         0         1
4             1        1      1       0 35.00     1     0  53.1000         0         0         1
5             1        0      3       1 35.00     0     0   8.0500         0         0         1
6            NA       NA     NA      NA    NA    NA    NA       NA        NA        NA        NA
7             1        0      1       1 54.00     0     0  51.8625         0         0         1


> matrix.train
    (Intercept) survived pclass sexmale   age sibsp parch     fare embarkedC embarkedQ embarkedS
1             1        0      3       1 22.00     1     0   7.2500         0         0           1
2             1        1      1       0 38.00     1     0  71.2833         1         0         0
3             1        1      3       0 26.00     0     0   7.9250         0         0         1
4             1        1      1       0 35.00     1     0  53.1000         0         0         1
5             1        0      3       1 35.00     0     0   8.0500         0         0         1
6             1        0      3       1 NA        0     0   6.25           1         0        NA
7             1        0      1       1 54.00     0     0  51.8625         0         0         1

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